And just like that, it is already Holiday Season 2020. For some people, this year flew by, and for others, it felt like a decade. While 2020 might feel like it’s over, there is still plenty of it left, and this is actually an ideal time to begin an Invisalign treatment if you’ve always wanted to straighten your teeth (and... read more »
This Halloween is guaranteed to be unlike any other, but if you’re a parent, there is one thing that’s still guaranteed: your child will inevitably be overwhelmed with sweet treats. Whether from regular trick-or-treating or a socially distanced gathering, Halloween presents a particularly risky time for children with braces because so many kinds of candy can easily dislodge brackets or... read more »
Quite a few parents who come to see us are confused because their child’s dentist has recommended that they receive braces, but they still have most of their baby teeth. What is the point of straightening them if they are just going to fall out? While this approach might seem counterintuitive, applying braces to the baby teeth is a relatively... read more »
Right after finishing an Invisalign treatment, patients are asked to wear a retainer so their newly shifted teeth will stay in place. Of course, not everyone follows their orthodontist’s directions, and often, retainers end up in a bathroom cabinet and are forgotten. This can lead to the teeth misaligning again in the future, and many patients believe they can fix... read more »
It’s easy to see why millions of people have chosen to straighten their teeth with Invisalign instead of metal braces. It’s discreet, comfortable, and the trays cover your teeth and protect you from cavities, right? While those first two points are true, the last one is not! It is still possible to get cavities during Invisalign, but fortunately, preventing this... read more »
When most people think of October, images of trees with beautiful orange and yellow leaves come to mind, or maybe they become excited about all the festivities that surround Halloween. But, it is also National Orthodontic Health Month, a time when dental professionals, teachers, and parents take a little extra time to share important information about this specific type of... read more »
Shirck Orthodontics is a partner in education, a community partner, and an advocate for safety, so that's why we have recently donated 10,000 masks and water bottles to local schools. We know that it is going to take everyone’s combined efforts to get us through this pandemic, and we’re happy to step up to the plate and offer assistance so... read more »
The phrase that is going to define 2020 is likely “social distancing,” but despite everyone’s interactions being mostly digital these days, millions of people still want to improve their smiles by straightening their teeth. With mail-order clear aligners, you can get the care you need without even having to step foot in an office, so it’s the perfect option for... read more »
When people hear the word “orthodontics,” they tend to all conjure the same image in their mind: a school-aged child with a mouthful of metal braces. Orthodontic treatment is often recommended for children because their teeth and mouths can be easily adjusted while they are still growing, but it’s actually possible to correct crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth at any... read more »
Cold and flu season is coming, and to say the past year has prepared us for it would be an understatement. Between wearing masks, washing hands, and socially distancing, the last thing most people are worried about is catching a cold these days. However, for people living with Invisalign, staying healthy requires a little extra care. Fortunately, a local orthodontist... read more »